Tuesday, October 6, 2009

What is the official name of our church?

I mentioned in my blog heading that one of the purposes of this blog is to try to clarify some of the misconceptions about our church…and believe me, there are MANY misconceptions! I don’t want to just stand by as others inaccurately define who we are. Through this blog I hope to clearly explain who we are and what we believe.

Well, what better place to start than the name of our church? What is the official name of our church? I had to chuckle when I heard about one particular recipient of humanitarian aid during the Katrina disaster that remarked, “There were two groups who really made a difference, The Latter-Day Saints and the Mormons.” I chuckle because The Latter-Day Saints and the Mormons are not two different groups…they are one in the same. Sometimes we are called “Mormons”, and sometimes we are called “Latter-Day Saints” or “LDS” for short. Although these titles are correct, the official name of our church is 
“The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints”.

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