Sunday, October 18, 2009


The other night, Stan and I watched the movie "Fireproof" (starring Kirk Cameron). I really enjoyed it. It's a low budget film and yes a little cheesy in parts but the story is enjoyable and well worth watching. I believe that it was put out by the Sherwood Baptist Church in Albany, Georgia. It consisted of an all-volunteer cast, and mostly volunteer crew. Every married couple needs to watch this show. We all need to "Fireproof" our marriages.

Our church believes that, "...marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God and that the family is central to the Creator's plan for the eternal destiny of His children." (Family Proclamation).  Of all relationships, the marriage relationship is the most important. We all know however that marriage can be a challenge and it takes consistent hard work on the part of both partners. Divorce has become so prevalent in this day in age, and it can happen to anyone. Although there are cases where divorce is the best decision, this movie shows us that divorce can be preventable. In so many cases the culprit is selfishness. It’s so easy to focus on our own needs over our spouse’s needs. But I think it’s when we decide to unconditionally love our spouse (despite all the things they do that drive us crazy!), and focus on their needs that we find real fulfillment in marriage. I can attest that it’s not easy. It’s something that I continually have to work on, but I know that it is worth it.

I wonder how many marriages could have been saved if they had taken on “The Love Dare”?

Many of you have probably already seen this show, but if you haven’t take a look at the trailer.

"Don't treasure up past wrongs, reprocessing them again and again.  In a marriage relationship, festering is destructive; forgiving is divine.  Plead for the guidance of the Spirit of the Lord to forgive wrongs . . . , to overcome faults, and to strengthen relationships." (Dallin H. Oaks)


Wendy Phelps said...

I will have to watch that. Did you rent it from somewhere?

Crissie said...

I've been trying to get it off Redbox for months, but every time I checked they were all rented out. So, I borrowed my sister in law's copy. If you can't get it from Redbox, I'm sure blockbuster would have it.

Crissie said...
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Stacy said...

Someone also told me there is a book they found at WalMart called The Love Dare and it is based on this movie. I know I'd like to get my hands on that one. Loved this movie, even if it was a little cheesy, it had a great lesson to be learned. And, who doesn't love Kirk Cameron?

Loree said...

this was a great movie! i agree it was inspiring. Makes me want to work harder in my own marriage. Thanks for sharing :)

Cherene said...

We got the movie from Redbox, and loved it too! Marriage takes a lot of sacrifice, but it is so worth all the effort. :)