Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Christmas Spirit

We often hear the phrase, "The Spirit of Christmas" or "The Christmas Spirit".  What is the Spirit of Christmas?? I often hear others say things like, "I love the spirit of Christmas!" or "I'm feeling the Christmas spirit!" or sometimes even "I just can't seem to get into the Christmas spirit".  I myself have said all of these things. 

So how do we go about feeling this Christmas spirit that everyone seems to always talk about? I love the Christmas season.  I love the decorations, the yummy food, the Christmas music, the parties, the buying of gifts, the visits to Santa etc.  All of these things can help me "get into the Christmas spirit".  But many times I find myself surrounded by these fun things yet still struggle to feel the Christmas spirit in my heart.  Why is that? Although these are all good things, I have learned that in order for me to really and truly feel the Christmas spirit, I have to remember the reason for the season.  I have personally found that the answer to feeling the Chrismas spirit is to simply focus on my Savior Jesus Christ.  I know it's a simple answer, but nonetheless it is the answer.

So how do we do this? It is through our thoughts and actions.  I feel the Christmas spirit when I take the time to sit with my family and read about the birth and life of Jesus Christ in the Bible, or when after the kids go to bed I turn off all the lights and sit in front of the Christmas tree pondering upon the many blessings that I have, or when I sing Christmas hymns or read inspirational Christmas stories with my family.  I feel the Christmas spirit when I stop focusing on myself and my problems and look outward.  It is when I take the time to help those around me and serve those in need that I feel the Christmas spirit.  I'm definitely not perfect at doing all these things. In fact, every year I struggle with getting into the Christmas spirit.  And every year, I have to come to the realization that I need to switch my focus and turn my thoughts to the reason for the season.  It is when I do this that my heart becomes more open to the Christmas spirit. 

And what's great about this is...the spirit of Christmas doesn't have to be felt only at Christmas time.  If we choose, it can be felt all year round.  After all, what is the Spirit of Christmas?? It is the Spirit of Christ.  The Spirit of Christmas is the Spirit of Christ. 

What do you do that helps you feel the Christmas spirit?? I would love to hear your thoughts.

"By focusing on your loved ones, enjoying or building holiday traditions, and following the Savior's example of service, you can give yourself and your family true, lasting Christmas gifts.

Simplify your Christmas by embracing the spiritual side of the season.

The gift of Christmas isn't wrapped up in presents or parties. The gift of Christmas is Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten of the Father, the Son of God. As you follow Him, you put people first. You may spend less time in lines and more time serving others. You may spend less money on - and more time with - the people you love. You may lose yourself and you may find everything else that matters."

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